Beauty Beyond Scars Uses Black and White to Look Past Tragedy

“My main motive is to create dope photographs while allowing people to express their story. ” It’s a goal that’s undoubtedly being reached by San Diego based photographer, Krysada Phounsiri - aka, Snap PIlots.

In his moving portrait photography series, Beauty Beyond Scars, he puts the focus on those who may wish to avoid the camera, reminding them of their identity and the love and self-love they deserve. “I want the photos to establish a visual narrative on their own, while providing a space for people to share their story about their scar(s), their pain, and how they gather strength to move forward. ” Phounsrir is building a beautiful story, filled with heartwarming and motivating narratives. We could not pass on the opportunity to discuss his work, as it’s truly inspiring. .

their story

2019-8-14 16:00