Chroma Chrono is a programmable RGB camera flash for colorful long exposures

Chroma Chrono is a programmable RGB camera flash for colorful long exposures

A new Kickstarter campaign seeks funding for Chroma Chrono, a programmable RGB camera flash that emits multiple colors during long exposures. Users can program the flash using a web interface accessible on any device with a web browser and WiFi; the system enables users to choose the flash colors and the on/off duration for each color.

Sample image via Chroma Chrono

Chroma Chrono features a high-intensity RGB LED, a WiFi-enabled microcontroller, and three AA batteries. Users can connect the flash to a standard hot shoe or trigger it remotely via a Prontor-Compur adapter. The camera flash currently exists as a final production prototype with anticipated manufacturing if the Kickstarter is successful.

Backers are offered an early bird Chroma Chrono flash for pledges of at least

Via: Kickstarter


flash chrono chroma kickstarter via users

2018-9-18 23:54

flash chrono → Результатов: 2 / flash chrono - фото

The Chroma Chrono Flash is for Photographers Who Love Flash and Color

If you’re someone who loves using flash to make colorful and creative photographs, our Kickstarter find for today would surely get you hyped up: the Chroma Chrono flash. The Chroma Chrono is developed by George Davis, a UK-based electronic engineer who runs a small electronics contractor that provides “electronics for the creative industries” called Pecelec. »

2018-09-16 19:00