Craigslist ad wants wedding photographer to also shoot the... uh... consummation

Craigslist ad wants wedding photographer to also shoot the... uh... consummation

The Craigslist ad headline reads 'All Day Wedding Photographer Needed,' followed by a small, but extremely important, parenthetical: (see details). That bit is important because when the couple in question says 'all day,' what they actually mean is 'all night long.


The ad, posted to Craigslist in Wisconsin and sent to PetaPixel by one of its readers, is seeking a wedding photographer who wouldn't mind sticking around and photographing the couple's first time. Their consummation. The. . . moment of truth, if you will.

"We are hoping someone will document the whole day from beginning to end," reads the ad, innocently enough. "We are specifically hoping someone will document the end, which we are finding difficult to find someone who will. "

Now you see where this is going.

"We have both saved ourselves for marriage and understand our first time will be awkward," writes the bride and groom. "But [we] do not think it will be that much more awkward for the photographer to be there and we’d really like it documented (in a beautiful and tasteful way). "

So. . . any boudoir photographers want to take their work to an extremely awkward new level? We've got a job prospect for you.


will photographer craigslist someone awkward

2017-6-30 02:09

will photographer → Результатов: 3 / will photographer - фото

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