Crown + Flint Analog Photography App Gets Film Storage Update

Crown + Flint Analog Photography App Gets Film Storage Update

Last summer, dedicated film photographer Don Goodman-Wilson released an app he designed specifically for film photographers. In November, he set the stage for regular releases of the Flint + Crown app with a significant update.

The third such update is now available, adding the option to keep track of film in storage.

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film app update

2024-2-2 20:47

film app → Результатов: 11 / film app - фото


FilmLab is a film negative scanning app for smartphones

Thanks to cheap secondhand cameras and a general 'retro trend' film photography is experiencing a true revival. However, most photographers who shoot film still need digital versions of their images to show them off online or send to friends and family, which is why film-scanning hardware and software is a necessary part of the equipment. »

2017-05-12 20:48


Filmborn for iOS offers 9 film presets and educational content

Mastin Labs, which is probably best known for its Lightroom and Photoshop presets, has applied its film emulation know-how to the mobile sector and launched the Filmborn app for iOS. The app is advertised as a full-blown replacement for Apple's stock camera app, with features such as gesture-based white balance and exposure, advanced editing mode, batch processing and image library functions. »

2016-11-07 21:43