Drone Photographer Captures Storm Over The Pacific Ocean, And The Results Are Stunning

Drone Photographer Captures Storm Over The Pacific Ocean, And The Results Are Stunning
ФОТО: boredpanda.com

While filming a documentary about climate change on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State I captured a storm from the air using my DJI Phantom 4 Quadcopter. My assistant and I heard the waves pounding and so we climbed to the top of a cliff.

It was windy and difficult to fly but the waves were immense, so I had to get out there and shoot them. .

drone photographer captures storm over pacific ocean

2018-6-13 22:52

drone photographer → Результатов: 3 / drone photographer - фото

Фото: petapixel.com

Drone Photographer Arrested After Flying Over Forest Fire

An Arizona aerial photographer has been arrested for flying a drone over a forest fire in Goodwin, Arizona. His actions caused 14 firefighting aircraft and crews to be grounded. The Arizona Republic reports that the grounding of the planes meant ground units had to temporarily abandon their firefighting efforts as they no longer had air support, letting […] petapixel.com »

2017-07-03 20:00