Lensrentals and the continuing saga of the broken Sony FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM

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8 GM lens (would hate to be the person who dropped it!). In part two, the guys from LR continue to take apart the lens, to see if it can be saved or sent to the scrapyard.

Read LensRentals' Sony FE 70-200mm F2. 8 GM Teardown (Part 2)


sony false lensrentals

2017-3-4 14:00

sony false → Результатов: 1 / sony false - фото

Sony a7R III sample gallery

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_9985983572","galleryId":"9985983572","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); The Sony a7R Mark III is here and we get our hands on one for a few hours while at a press event in New York City. dpreview.com »

2017-10-26 17:00