Make AI So Self-aware That It Watermarks Generated Images

Midjourney v5. 1 is out, and it's becoming increasingly more complex for the untrained eye to distinguish between an AI-generated image and an actual photograph. Let's move aside the fact that a whole bunch of wannabes thinks they're going to become the next famous hyperrealistic artist overnight.

We've seen how AI imagery has fooled people in the past few weeks. Did you think that the Pope was actually wearing an oversized white puffer in public? Or that former US President Donald Trump was actually arrested in public some weeks ago? If you didn't actually inspect these images close up, chances are that you could have been fooled by them. And while fake imagery has been around for decades, AI generators have made it much easier for pranksters and scammers. Could AI watermarks help solve this raging issue?.


2023-5-14 13:00