A Musing on Silhouette Photography: The Balance of Light and Shadows

As a portrait/wedding photographer, I spend a great deal of time perfecting the balance of light and shadows in any given image. We see a scene with our eyes and while it may be beautiful visually, there are some things that each of our minds assume.

While one person may imagine a less contrasted, more dreamy vision, another may see a bold, contrasted and colorful scene. This single fact is what makes a group of photographers photograph the exact same moment, person or situation and have surprisingly unique results. . It is our own selves that reflect back in the images we make and we could no more separate ourselves than the ocean could be separate from the water that fills it up. As an artist, I appreciate both and after years of practice I continue create both. Sometimes, I'll go a while without using silhouettes in my work and each time that I come back to them I'm reminded of how powerful they can be. .

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2018-2-26 14:00