A Reminder of 10 Photoshop Faux Pas You Should Definitely Avoid Making

Nate Dodson from TutVid provides a rundown of Photoshop errors that even pros encounter when touching up photographs. Easy to miss faux pas such as selective colour, bad HDR, and over-sharpening are all called out as probable mistakes all Photoshoppers will be tempted to make at the risk of taste.

The video shows that each tool has a purpose and points out when you might be using it wrong over overdoing it too much. It serves as both a refreshing visual guide for the Photoshop novice and aficionado alike.

Here are the 10 Photoshop mistakes pointed out by TutVid:

• Bevel and Emboss [1:27]

• Selective Color [4:39]

• Over-Whitening Teeth [6:23]

• Exporting any Code for Web Design [8:48]

• Too much HDR/Unsharp Mask/High Pass/Clarity [10:14]

• Retouching Directly on a Layer [13:22]

• Applying Adjustments to a Layer [15:50]

• Applying Filters Directly to a Layer [17:25]

• Not using TypeKit [19:58]

• Bad Selection Edges for a Composite [22:10]


photoshop out layer

2016-10-31 03:00