Sample Images: Rokinon SP 85mm f1.2 (Canon EF)

We're in the middle of reviewing the Rokinon SP 85mm f1. 2 lens--which is one of the company's new high end lens offerings. Rokinon's build quality has never been the greatest in comparison to many other brands out there but with the SP line, they're looking to change that.

Not only are the optics top notch, but the build quality is too. They're making metal exteriors with rubber rings. In some ways, you can liken them to Zeiss. Two of their first lenses are the 85mm f1. 2 and the 14mm f2. 4 for full frame cameras. Unfortunately, these don't have autofocus. But that doesn't seem to affect the image quality at all. .

quality 85mm but rokinon

2017-10-19 07:00

quality 85mm → Результатов: 1 / quality 85mm - фото