The Secret to High Contrast in Portrait Photography

If you shoot portraits often, you can fall into various camps. Some folks like a lot of contrast in the portraits. And indeed, high-contrast portrait photos can look pretty wonderful and natural. But other folks like as little contrast as possible.

That way, with a flatter image, they can work on it a lot in post-production. Understanding what works in what situation, though, is pretty tough. Further, you may not really understand the naming of what you actually want. So in this post, we're going to tackle it on a surface level. .

can contrast what

2021-12-9 08:00

can contrast → Результатов: 1 / can contrast - фото


5 Ways to Make the Most of Natural Light

Unless you’re solely a studio photographer, it’s likely that working with natural light forms the cornerstone of your photography. The light from the sun has a huge variety of characteristics, and varies in strength, contrast and colour wildly, creating a host of different effects for photography. »

2018-02-01 03:00