Результатов: 9

Ferrania Fixes Major Factory Issues, Secures In-House Production of P30 Film

"Normally, when we are quiet it's because we are very busy. This time the opposite is true," Ferrania began in their latest update, referring to the factory being non-functional since February. There, they briefly mention the hardships that have halted their production -- but also, more importantly, that they've already fixed the problems and can now continuously produce the P30 film. thephoblographer.com »

2018-7-18 16:00

FILM Ferrania представила первую пленку

Поначалу пленка будет выпущена в ограниченной версии Ferrania P30 ALPHA. Это воссоздание пленки, благодаря которой компания Ferrania была известна всему миру еще полвека назад. В новой версии разработчики компании использовали достижения новейших технологий. mx-camera.ru »

2017-3-28 16:29