
What it’s Like Shooting 50 Portraits on 32 Sets in Just a Few Hours

Photographer and filmmaker Clay Cook and his team were given a challenging task: shooting visuals for the successful businessman and former CEO of YUM! Brands David Charles Novak and the launch of his latest book, website, and podcast in just a few short hours. [Read More]


I Built a Replica Chinese Takeout Restaurant in My Photo Studio

My name is Nicky Hamilton, I’m a photographer from London. In-between commercial work I produce fine art photography, specializing in cinematic set builds, which unlike my commercial work is done solo, the set design, build, photography, styling, and retouching.

Photographer Builds Flooded House Set for Portraits of Musicians

At the 2018 High Water Music Festival in North Charleston, South Carolina, back in April, photographer Sully Sullivan of LawtonMiles wanted to take his portraits with the performing musicians to another level, so he decided to build a flooded house set submerged in water.
