
Camera Sales Are Exploding in Europe, But Still Declining in the Americas

All eyes have been firmly planted on cameras sales ever since Canon came out and said that they expect the camera market to decline rapidly in the coming years. While recent numbers from CIPA (Camera & Imaging Products Association) do seem to suggest that Canon might be on to something, the data for May 2019 indicates that in some parts of the world, camera sales are not only holding steady compared to last year, but that camera sales have improved. Join us after the break to take a peek at the numbers.

Camera Sales Are Exploding in Europe, But Still Declining in The Americas

All eyes have been firmly planted on cameras sales ever since Canon came out and said that they expect the camera market to decline rapidly in the coming years. While recent numbers from CIPA (Camera & Imaging Products Association) do seem to suggest that Canon might be on to something, the data for May 2019 indicates that in some parts of the world, camera sales are not only holding steady compared to last year, but that camera sales have improved. Join us after the break to take a peek at the numbers.

