The Hasselblad XCD 21mm f4 Lens Renders a 17mm Field of View for $3,750

Photographers who choose to pay the seriously high price tag of the Hasselblad X series cameras and lenses will be delighted to know that more of their hard earned money can potentially go to the Hasselblad XCD 21mm f4.

This lens delivers a 17mm full frame in 35mm field of view, and is the widest lens to be delivered to the Hasselblad mirrorless system so far. What you need to know is that the lens can focus as closely at 32cm and that they're targeting it at landscape and interior photographers. The press release is after the jump. .

lens hasselblad

2018-5-7 15:48

lens hasselblad → Результатов: 7 / lens hasselblad - фото

Hasselblad XCD 21mm sample gallery

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_4440480648","galleryId":"4440480648","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); It's not everyday you have the opportunity to shoot with a lens like the Hasselblad XCD 21mm F4. »

2018-06-09 16:00