This Remarkable, Creative Photography Will Be The Highlight of Your Day!

We love creative photography. The kind of photography that's fun to look at and allows you to forget about the world's troubles. Imagery doesn't always have to have a deeper meaning, for the consumer, at least.

Often it can just be an enjoyable pastime. And the photographers in this piece, along with their creative work, ensured that we forgot that time exists. .

photography creative

2021-6-11 13:00

photography creative → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 27 / photography creative - ôîòî


Capture Creative Splash Photography with this Simple DIY ‘Catapult’

Matt Huber over at YouTube channel The Garage Learning has put together a fun and creative walkthrough that takes a different approach to splash photography. Instead of manually throwing water onto his subject, he designed a simple ‘DIY catapult’ that does the job much better than he can. Huber originally came up with this idea […] »

2020-06-08 21:58


50 Creative Self-Portrait Photography Ideas To Trump All Selfies

Self-portrait photography like all other types of photography has no limits. But with all creative freedom we can also feel unmotivated or paralyzed on where we start. How do come up with creative self-portraits ideas every-time we start taking photos? How do we maintain our motivation? One thing that works for the 500px community is always getting photography inspiration from other artist. »

2019-08-09 15:40