
Wide Open Magic. Meyer Optik 30mm F3.5 II Lydith Review

If you think about Meyer Optik, you probably think about their soap bubble lenses. But the Meyer Optik 30mm F3. 5 II Lydith isn't that. Instead, they describe it a bit using the word watercolor and faithful reproduction.

How to Create Watercolor-Like Photographs of Dancers

Being a legally blind photographer, part of my ambition has always been to tell stories the way that I see them and to let the world understand how I see the world. Something that I often describe it as is looking at the world and seeing it as a painting.

Making Your Landscape Photography Look Like Paintings In Camera

One of the artistic ways that you can go ahead and make your landscape photography stand out from all the rest is to find a way to turn them into paintings; well, not literally but finding a way to get that look is one fantastic one of doing things.

Hadi Asgari Uses a Technique That Makes Landscapes Look Like Paintings

Getting landscape photos to look different from much of what's out there often requires some creative trial and error--and Hadi Asgari has seemingly mastered it. Using some methods that have been around for a little while, Hadi's landscape photos end up looking like paintings.


These Photos of Underwater Flowers Look Like Paintings

Underwater photographer Barbara Cole is best known for her beautiful portraits of people—stunning creations that seem to walk the line between photography and painting. But her most recent project, Appearances, explores a different subject: flowers.
