
This New Technology Aims to Eliminate Blurry Photos

A new advanced neuromorphic system designed to eliminate blurring in smartphone photos is now ready for production, using a mix of AI and existing processing power to freeze action in ways not seen on current smartphones. [Read More]

This ‘Super DVD’ Can Hold 20 Million Photos

Researchers have developed a new method of storing data on an optical disk. It is capable of holding 24 times the data of the most advanced hard disk drives: the equivalent of 20 million digital photos. [Read More]

EU Negotiators Reach Agreement on World’s First AI Regulations

After lengthy negotiations, European Union officials have reached an agreement on the Artificial Intelligence Act, a set of comprehensive regulations surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) that could provide a blueprint for other nations and regions aiming to limit the dangers of AI. [Read More]

Darren Aronofsky Says it Takes 12 People to Use the 18K Sphere Camera

The music and entertainment arena Sphere opened in September in Las Vegas and the striking venue is the largest spherical building in the world. It features the world's biggest and highest-resolution screens and its content is captured using a state-of-the-art 18K cinema camera. [Read More]

How Organic Panasonic Sensors Can Change Imaging For The Better

I can't really say image sensor technology has peaked at the moment. What is true however, is how rapidly it has improved in the last decade and a half. Low light ISO performance and color accuracy in an entry-level APS-C camera these days can match, if not beat, the results from my flagship DSLR of 2008.

When is a Photo Not a Photo?

We've had variations of this discussion a few times, but recent developments appear to keep moving the goalposts. What was once seemingly a simple question to answer is getting a lot more complicated as technology advances. [Read More]

We Need a New Nikon Camera Already. Where Is the Nikon Z8?

The big three have the most potential regarding technology in their cameras. But sadly, Nikon hasn't done much in that department for those of us lower on the totem pole. When the Nikon z6 II and Nikon z7 II were announced, they were essentially the same cameras as their predecessors.

The OM SYSTEM is Basically Olympus with a New Name

If a company remains the same but has a brand new name, is it really a new company? That's the question I'm pondering as OM SYSTEM is announced today. As we're all aware, the photo industry as a whole has been suffering in the past decade.

Is The Canon EOS R3 Sensor Being Made by Sony?

For the first time in a long time, Canon is doing something that's scaring me. Don't get us wrong, there is lots of great Canon technology packed in there. Canon has briefed the press (us included) a few times on what's coming with the Canon EOS R3.

SILINA’s Sensor Curving Technology Hopes to Speed up Industry Usage

"SILINA does not reinvent the wheel of sensor design and manufacturing", states their CTO Wilfred Jahn, "but is developing technological solutions to curve existing (flat) imaging sensors. " A PhD holder in Electro-optical System Design, he forms one half of SILINA's co-founding team along with CEO Michael Bally.

The Nikon Z9 Might Be Nikon’s Last Chance at Success

In 12 years of journalism, I really thought that Nikon was going to be next. When I first started, Pentax got bought by Hoya. Then they were passed off to Ricoh. And who can forget the Irish goodbye that Samsung gave us! I never expected that from Nikon.

Could We See the Return of an Unusual Panasonic Lens?

Is 3D still kind of a gimmick? I've been pondering that for the last few days. So much is possible with technology like LIDAR and depth scanning. But then there's also the fun stuff. For example, over a decade ago, Panasonic made a 3D lens.

Nikon Might Build a Super Camera with Revolutionary Camera Sensors

Things haven't been going great for Nikon over the last few years. The company mistakenly thought Mirrorless cameras would never take off. They bet their hedge funds on DSLRs, and it backfired. Now, though, things do seem to be getting better for the company.

Goodbye and Good Riddance: Why I Won’t Miss Photokina

Many of you have seen the news already that Photokina is no longer going to happen for the time being. I'll admit that I always enjoyed my time at Photokina. As an accredited member of the press, I'm not going to miss the abysmal wifi despite the incredibly kind and helpful staff's efforts.

Goodbye and Good Riddance. Why I Won’t Miss Photokina

Many of you have seen the news already that Photokina is no longer going to happen for the time being. I'll admit that I always enjoyed my time at Photokina. As an accredited member of the press, I'm not going to miss the abysmal wifi despite the incredibly kind and helpful staff's efforts.

Opinion: Clarity Is the Feature Every Camera Needs

When the Fujifilm X Pro 3 launched and added clarity adjustment, I was so incredibly thrilled. Even better: it seemed to add my changes to the RAW files. "Why doesn't everyone do this?" I wondered to myself.

This Video Explains Exactly How Lens IS and IBIS Work in Modern Cameras

Most photographers know the basics of lens-based image stabilization (Lens IS) and in-body image stabilization (IBIS), but if you’ve ever wanted a technical deep-dive that explains exactly how these systems work to generate 4, 5, or even 7 stops of stabilization, this video from Imaging Resource is here to answer that call. At the most […]

Video: What We Want in the Sony a5 (If It’s Real and Not Fake)

Is it real? We honestly don't know. But if the Sony a5 is real, then we've got a ton of questions. Like, what's the pricing going to be? Will it still really be over $1,000? What sensor will be inside? Will Sony take out a whole lot of their more innovative features? And if Sony does that, then why would someone buy the camera? Will it still have a DSLR style camera body? If Sony were to make one of these come out, then it would probably be very soon.

This AI Turns Pixel Faces Into ‘Photos’

Face Depixelizer is an amazing new AI-powered app that can take an ultra-low-res pixelated photo of a face and turn it into a realistic portrait photo. Created by Russian developer Denis Malimonov, the app utilizes the power of StyleGAN, which famously can generate realistic portraits of people who don’t exist. After taking in a pixel […]

Hard Facts: There’s a Real Need for a New Micro Four Thirds Sensor

There has been a lot of talk over the last few years about new sensors for Micro Four Thirds cameras, but to date, we have not seen anything come from all of the noise that surrounds the platform. With technology continuing to push forward, though the need for a new Micro Four Thirds sensor is becoming more apparent with each passing day.

New Lithium-Sulfur Battery Could Quadruple Camera Battery Life

Researchers at Australia’s Monash University have developed what they’re calling “the world’s most efficient lithium-sulphur (Li-S) battery,” an ultra-high-capacity design that could quadruple camera battery life and run a smartphone for 5 consecutive days without a charge.

NVIDIA AI Can Turn Your Pet Into Other Animals

NVIDIA researchers have been doing groundbreaking work at the intersection between photography and AI — things like removing noise, transferring styles, photo reconstruction, turning doodles into photos, and creating realistic photos of imaginary people.

Watch Anduril’s Battering-Ram Drone Knock Other Drones Out of the Sky

Anti-drone tech has run the gamut from radio-frequency bazookas to trained eagles. But the latest anti-drone technology from controversial security company Anduril is actually… another drone. The Anduril Anvil is a “battering-ram drone system” that is tailor made to knock other drones out of the sky. You can see the drone in action in the […]

The DSLR vs Mirrorless Debate is Silly, Here’s Why

Photographer Ted Forbes of The Art of Photography recently published a well-reasoned and logical response to the Mirrorless vs DSLR debate that recently peaked with the announcement of the Nikon D6. In his video, Forbes offers a much more nuanced take than many of the arguments you’ve probably seen in various corners of the Internet. […]

Researchers Developed an AI that Can ‘Relight’ Portraits After the Fact

A group of researchers and engineers from UC San Diego and Google have trained a neural network to “relight” portraits after the fact “according to any provided environment map.” In other words: their system can take any photo and adjust the lighting at will—including the direction, temperature, and quality of the light. The technology was […]


Meta Trained its New AI Using Public Instagram and Facebook Posts

This week, Meta unveiled a host of new AI-powered features that would soon roll out to its products and services. One new addition is Meta AI, a virtual assistant that will soon live on its apps and was trained using Instagram and Facebook posts. [Read More]


Scientists Have Made the Thinnest Lens Ever at Just 3 Atoms Thick

Scientists have created the thinnest optical lens ever made for camera systems. At just three atoms thick, the researchers believe it will be especially useful for future wearables like the now defunct Google Glass or Meta's RayBan smart glasses. [Read More]

A Tribute to an Incredible Mind: Sony’s Mark Weir

Mark Weir, Senior Manager of Electronics at Sony, retired this week after working for the company since 1986. He is, without a doubt, one of the smartest and friendliest people the digital camera industry has ever known and while we are so happy he finally is taking time for himself, we're still a bit sad to see him go. [Read More]

Apple Debuts M3 Chips, Company’s First to Use Three-Nanometer Tech

At tonight's "Scary Fast" online event, Apple has unveiled its M3 family of chips. Coming less than five months after Apple unveiled its most recent M2 chip, the M2 Ultra, the M3 series has been built using three-nanometer technology, besting the five-nanometer tech of the M2 family. [Read More]