How to Make Your Own Profiles for Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom

How to Make Your Own Profiles for Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom

Earlier this month, Adobe released an update that massively revamped its Camera Profiles, renaming the feature Profiles. In addition to 6 new Adobe Raw profiles, there are also creative profiles. And instead of downloading and/or buying third-party creative profiles, you can make your own.

Adobe Principal Product Manager Josh Haftel recorded this 23-minute video showing […].

profiles adobe

2018-4-28 20:11

profiles adobe → Результатов: 6 / profiles adobe - фото


Adobe выпустила обновление Camera Profiles для ACR и Lightroom

Компания Adobe выпустила крупное обновление для Camera Profiles (теперь эта функция называется просто – «Профили» – Profiles) в Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), Lightroom Classic CC, Lightroom CC и обеих мобильных версиях Lightroom Mobile. »

2018-04-04 13:37