The New Canon 70-200mm Lens Updates are Very Perplexing

Oh Canon, what are you doing? Today, the company is announcing that they're making changes to both of their 70-200mm lenses. The more common changes amongst both are that they're getting a newer white exterior to fully match the other telephoto L lenses in their lineup.

In terms of consistency, that makes sense in their lineup. Then there are new coatings on their lenses. But otherwise when it comes to the Canon 70-200mm f2. 8 L III IS USM, those are the big, major changes. The optics are the same as the previous lens. Why? Well, I guess Canon believes that the optics are good enough or they're confident enough to say that it will be able to resolve the resolution of any sensors that they happen to be creating later on. .

are they their canon changes lenses

2018-6-7 07:00

are they → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 18 / are they - ôîòî


Will DSLRs Become Extinct?

10 years ago, if someone suggested that I’d be writing this article I would have been sceptical. Five years ago, if somebody suggested that I’d be writing this article I’d find it believable but I wouldn’t think it would apply to pros. »

2017-11-09 03:00

I’ve Spent Years Photographing Rats To Break The Negative Image Of Rats By Taking Cute Pics Of Them

I have been taking pictures of pet rats for years hoping to break the negative image that is often associated with these lovely animals. Here are some of these photographs, both of my rats and of my friends' rats and, as you may see, they are far from being dirty nasty little monsters! They are actually highly intelligent social beings that love interacting with each other and their favorite humans. »

2017-07-18 04:47