Результатов: 1444

Первый по-настоящему жестокий фильм по комиксам: новый трейлер «Хеллбоя»

В сети появился новый трейлер фильма "Хеллбой», который выйдет в российский прокат 11 апреля. Из видео становится понятно, почему фильму дали рейтинг R, и лицам до 17 лет его нельзя смотреть без взрослых. Читать первоисточник... photorealm.ru »

2019-4-9 21:18

Первый по-настоящему жестокий фильм по комиксам: новый трейлер «Хеллбоя»

В сети появился новый трейлер фильма «Хеллбой», который выйдет в российский прокат 11 апреля. Из видео становится понятно, почему фильму дали рейтинг R, и лицам до 17 лет его нельзя смотреть без взрослых. ferra.ru »

2019-4-9 21:18

Фильм или книга, книга или фильм

Этот вопрос становится камнем преткновения между «фанатами» литературы и кино, вызывая подчас ожесточённые споры, хотя каноническую аксиому «книга лучше» побороть до конца в массовом сознании пока не удалось. cameralabs.org »

2019-4-4 08:40

Opinion: The Film Photography World is a Million Times Less Toxic Than the Digital World

I love film and I love film photography. In fact, I adore it. I am enamored with the conversations around it, with the discipline involved in knowing that you need to be more careful and how that translates into digital photography, with the formats and how much more affordable it becomes as you go for larger sizes, the look, and most importantly its people. thephoblographer.com »

2019-3-20 07:00

Kosmo Foto Launches Popular Kosmo Foto Mono in the Flavor of 120 Film

Following the successful launch of Kosmo Foto Mono 35mm film back in 2017, Medium Format users have been hoping that the emulsion would one day make its way to their platform. If you're one of those people who have been wishing for it, you'll be pleased to hear that Kosmo Foto have just announced that the Kosmo Foto Mono 120 version of this popular film will indeed to making its way to the world of Medium Format cameras. For more details join us after the break. thephoblographer.com »

2019-2-15 02:00

Create Infrared Images with a Filter That Mimics Kodak Aerochrome Film

Infrared photography is specialized genre of photography that doesn't appeal to everyone, but there is no doubt that infrared images can be quite stunning. Since Kodak Aerochrome film is hard to come by these days, one photographer decided that he wanted to be able to bring this type of photography to the masses without having to have a camera conversion, and without having to spend over $80 on one roll of Kodak Aerochrome. thephoblographer.com »

2019-2-12 20:00

«На границе миров»: катартический фильм о коварной любви, чувстве прекрасного и трудностях ассимиляции

В мае 2018 года на 71-м Каннском международном кинофестивале вторую по значимости премию – «Особый взгляд», получила шведско-датская картина «На границе миров», снятая молодым режиссёром иранского происхождения – Али Аббаси. cameralabs.org »

2019-2-1 12:29

SmugMug Films: An inspiring BTS look at photographing the autumn beauty of Slovenia

SmugMug Films has released 'Framing the Journey,' a short film that follows photographer Karen Hutton around the landscapes and cityscapes of Slovenia. The seven minute film, which was made in partnership with Fujifilm, 'unveils both the epic beauty of a charming country tucked between Italy and Croatia and the wonder of the artist experiencing it all for the first time. dpreview.com »

2019-1-15 03:59

Film vs. Digital: Side by Side Comparison of 35mm, Medium Format, and Mirrorless Photos

Yes, it's already 2019 but looks like we're still not done with the film vs. digital shenanigans. But, more than a topic of debate, this video by Shutterstock Tutorials is a side by side comparison that should actually come in useful whether you're a pure digital shooter curious about the film look, or a hybrid shooter wanting a more detailed study of how each medium compares. thephoblographer.com »

2019-1-12 08:00