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Photographing the Saturn V Rocket in a Totally Different Way

We've featured a great deal of thought-provoking works on alien worlds and space exploration, but today, the spotlight shines on something closer to home. Five decades after the historic Apollo 11 Moon landing, the Saturn V rocket remains a stunning reminder of humanity's astronomical achievements in engineering and space flight, as photographer and videographer Zac Henderson shows us in his remarkable abstract series. thephoblographer.com »

2019-10-19 19:00

Surfers Learn The Hard Way What Happens When You Go Surfing During A Polar Vortex (18 Pics)

"As the photographer, the most challenging part was being able to see through my viewfinder. The cold windchill caused my eyes to water a lot and it would freeze in my eyelashes. The cold air temperature meant I couldn't exhale with my face raised to my camera because it would cause a layer of water vapor from my breath to freeze over my viewfinder and sometimes my lens." boredpanda.com »

2019-2-6 17:19

Here’s the Latest Way That Photographers are Getting Hired

I'm not sure that a single photographer could say with complete honesty that if they could find a way to make their dream gig easier to happen, then they would. For many of us, Instagram made that possible--but a new option is popping onto the scene to make it easier for collaborations and hirings to become a reality without an algorithm trying to beat you down in every way possible. thephoblographer.com »

2019-2-5 14:00

The Official Way to Pronounce ‘Nikon’

You may have heard the camera brand “Nikon” be pronounced in different ways by different people in different countries. But what’s the official and “correct” way of pronouncing the company’s name? Mike Johnston over at The Online Photographer was recently corrected by someone who rejected his American way of saying NIGH-kon in favor of the […] petapixel.com »

2018-9-8 20:57

I Found A Creative Way To Protect My Daughter, Who Has Cleft Lip, And Still Share Pics Of Her Daily Life Online

Hello, my name is Kelley Hudson, I'm a photographer and a mother. Like most parents, I wanted to share my daughter's daily life with our friends and family on the internet. But after she was born with cleft lip and palate, I got worried that maybe my daughter wouldn't want all her baby photos and hospital struggles posted. boredpanda.com »

2018-6-4 15:32