Результатов: 102

Ярмарка фотографий Minsk Photo Days открылась в Минске

9 ноября в Минске открылся ФОТОКРАФТ – выставка фото-, видеооборудования и печатных технологий, по формату очень похожая на московский Фотофорум. Но отдельный интерес вызывает фотоярмарка Minsk Photo Days, которая проходит в рамках Фотокрафта. photographer.ru »

2018-11-10 03:00

I Spent 2 Days Photographing Streets Of Jaipur, India From A Taxi And Here Is The Result

It was a last minute trip: the flights were affordable and I already went through 7 circles of hell to get my visa to India earlier that year (that’s a separate story). One Friday evening, after getting an email for a deal from a low cost airline, my husband and I hopped on a plane to Jaipur, Rajastan. No plans, no reservations, no prior research. boredpanda.com »

2018-3-26 14:43

Last Days Of Winter

The past months I went to frozen days of winter and endless hours of darkness. Although I was born in autumn, I really love those long and lazy summer days, so during these shortest days of the year, I'm really counting the hours of the returning of spring. boredpanda.com »

2018-3-12 14:16