Результатов: 530

I Photographed A Zorse – The Hybrid Most People Don’t Think Exists (10 Photos)

Last year, I met an animal which I thought would only exist in my fantasy: a zorse, the hybrid between a zebra stallion and a horse mare. Zuri, the mare you see in the photo, was only 1.5 years old and although I’ve been working as a photographer with horses for over 6 years, this was different from anything I’ve known so far. boredpanda.com »

2019-6-25 13:27

Dance With Closed Eyes Shows the Power of Those With Perceived Limitations

“Sometimes art can change how people see the world but I want to change how the world sees people. ” Those are the powerful words of Tatiana Ilina, a documentary photographer based in New York. Through her imagery, she is passionate about giving a voice to the voiceless - shining a light on those who society has often been guilty of placing in darkness. thephoblographer.com »

2019-6-19 10:00

I Listen To What People Want From The Government As India Decides To Vote For The World’s Biggest Democracy

Somewhere along my travels, I began to interview my subjects, besides making their portraits. I keep it straight and minimal with a very basic question 'What Do You Really Want'? referring to an on-going Lok Sabha Elections which are currently being held in seven phases from 11 April to 19 May 2019 to constitute the 17th Lok Sabha. boredpanda.com »

2019-5-6 15:25

How to Master Zone Focus to Shoot Street Snaps of People

We can't stress enough how zone focus is one one of the most useful techniques in street photography, so allow us to share yet another resource to help you get the hang of it. In this video by Swedish photographer and media producer Mattias Burling, he shows us how the popular technique can be of great help to those who find photographing people out in the streets intimidating. thephoblographer.com »

2019-4-6 07:00

Artist Uses UV Photography Techniques To Reveal ‘Raw’ Portraits Of People That We Don’t Normally See (10 Pics)

Pierre-Louis Ferrer picked up photography back in 2006 whilst studying electronic engineering and optical sensors. “In 2012, I began to learn about infrared photography, a niche technique that allowed me to extend the spectrum of my photographs to a world invisible to the naked eye. boredpanda.com »

2019-3-26 17:07

Изумляющие фотографии дикой природы с конкурса LUMIX People's Choice Award

В лучших фотографиях конкурса, привлекшего участников из 95 стран, запечатлелись трогательные моменты из жизни дикой природы и её ошеломляющая красота. Среди 45 тысяч присланных работ выбрали финалистов и главного победителя – снимок «Братские узы», в котором два льва нежно приветствуют друг друга. cameralabs.org »

2019-2-15 15:52

I Spent A Year Traveling The World And Photographing People Committed To The Yoga Lifestyle (New Pics)

A year ago, I went on a round-the-world trip, during which I visited 28 countries and took photos of people practicing yoga in unusual places. Through my project, I wanted to show people from the big cities who are committed to yoga philosophy and yoga lifestyle; people, who live in the middle of a hustle but manage to maintain their harmony and happiness. It doesn’t matter what is surrounding you. boredpanda.com »

2018-12-8 05:18

I Traveled The World For A Year To Photograph People Practicing Yoga (New Pics)

A year ago, I went on a round-the-world trip, during which I visited 28 countries and took photos of people practicing yoga in unusual places. Through my project, I wanted to show people from the big cities who are committed to yoga philosophy and yoga lifestyle; people, who live in the middle of a hustle but manage to maintain their harmony and happiness. It doesn’t matter what is surrounding you. boredpanda.com »

2018-12-7 05:18

I Captured The Loneliness In New York, A City Of Over 8 Million People

Loneliness is New York’s leitmotif. This feeling is palpable everywhere in the city—a place filled with 8 million people, many of whom are immigrants and transplants. There are different shades of it: the loneliness of an Uber driver who fled Venezuela, leaving his family behind, who sighs with relief when I quickly switch to Spanish; the loneliness that emanates from the people I talk to on dating apps; the loneliness of the middle-aged Ukrainian woman at my local supermarket, who tells me in Russian that I remind her of her son, who she left behind in a war-torn country and who she hasn’t seen in two years. boredpanda.com »

2018-7-18 07:57